
Full Color Tutorial

Description: This is the full tutorial on color theory, color spaces, color usage, and applying traditional color principles to colormapping in scientific visualization.

Presentation Slides

Associated Tools: Colormoves

Color Theory Principles Part 1

Description: Trained in traditional media and having worked as an artist professionally for 20 years, Francesca Samsel provides a comprehensive tutorial on color theory, color spaces, color usage, and applying traditional color principles to colormapping in scientific visualization. This is Part 1 of the tutorial.

Presentation Slides Part 1
Presentation Slides Part 2

Associated Tools: Colormoves

Color Theory Principles Part 2

Description: Trained in traditional media and having worked as an artist professionally for 20 years, Francesca Samsel provides a comprehensive tutorial on color theory, color spaces, color usage, and applying traditional color principles to colormapping in scientific visualization. This is Part 2 of the tutorial.

Presentation Slides

Associated Tools: Colormoves

Color Theory Principles Part 3: Luminance

Description: Trained in traditional media and having worked as an artist professionally for 20 years, Francesca Samsel provides a comprehensive tutorial on color theory, color spaces, color usage, and applying traditional color principles to colormapping in scientific visualization. This is Part 3 of the tutorial, focused on luminance.

Presentation Slides

Associated Tools: Colormoves

Color Theory Principles Part 4: Color Sets and Background Color

Description: Trained in traditional media and having worked as an artist professionally for 20 years, Francesca Samsel provides a comprehensive tutorial on color theory, color spaces, color usage, and applying traditional color principles to colormapping in scientific visualization. This is Part 4 of the tutorial, focused on Color Sets and Background Color.

Presentation Slides

Associated Tools: Colormoves

Color Theory Principles Part 5: Sciviscolor and Colormoves

Description: Trained in traditional media and having worked as an artist professionally for 20 years, Francesca Samsel provides a comprehensive tutorial on color theory, color spaces, color usage, and applying traditional color principles to colormapping in scientific visualization. This is Part 5 of the tutorial, focused on novel colormap creation tools SciVisColor and Colormoves.

Presentation Slides

Associated Tools: Colormoves

Using Color Contrast to Explore and Communicate Scientific Data

Description: Part of the Color Theory tutorial created by Francesca Samsel, this tangential tutorial examines the use of hue, contrast and luminance to facilitate the exploration of scientific data. Through an appropriate and informed use of color contrast theory, Samsel argues, exploration and feature identification in large, continuous data sets improves drastically.

Presentation Slides

Associated Tools: Colormoves